Underredsbehandling svart
Skyddsbeläggning för stenskott baserat på kautschuk och harts. Utmärker sig genom att torka snabbt och kan överlackas, ger slitagefast korrosionsskydd, skyddar utmärkt för stenskott och har ljuddämpande egenskaper. En permanent elastisk film bildas efter fullständig torkning. Kan överlackeras med vanliga lacksystem och kan slipas efter fu ...
Läs Mer- gott stenslagsskydd
- mycket god beständighet mot väder, saltspraydimma och friktion
- mycket god häftförmåga på olika underlag

The surfaces which have to be treated with underseal must be thoroughly cleaned beforehand. Rust must be removed. The surfaces must be dry and free of wax, dirt and grease and extensively free of dust.
Underseal can be applied using the UBS spray gun, Part no. 6219 or the pressure-feed spray gun, Part no. 6220 with an operating pressure of 2 - 8 bar depending on the spray pattern desired.
Shake contents of can vigorously before use.
Do not leave containers open as the material will form a skin on the surface.
The coating material can be applied to vertical surfaces with wet film thicknesses of up to 1.5 mm. It is better to proceed in cross patterns to avoid spray shadowing.
The vehicle is ready for driving after about 1-2 hours, depending on the weather conditions and coating thickness. Final through-drying takes approx. 12 hours.
The coating may be painted over with commercially available vehicle paints (conventional and water-based) under the following conditions:
- after the coating has dried for at least 12 hours, "pre-mist" the paint thinly
- do not apply the final coat of paint until the pre-coat has begun to dry
- final oven drying can be carried out at 60 °C.
Annan information
Do not spray material onto moving parts and hot components such as mechanical joints, the engine, gearbox, drive shaft, exhaust pipe, catalytic converter and brake systems.A blocked spray gun can cause the can to burst.
The operating instructions for the spray gun must be followed.
After use, clean the spray gun with the Cleaner and Thinner Part no. 6130.
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