Cars love LIQUI MOLY
For decades we have received various awards in many categories - and successively too. You are also a fundamental part of this. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We appreciate your trust, loyalty and outstanding customer satisfaction for over a decade.

The readers of the trade journal Auto Motor Sport also believe that LIQUI MOLY is an excellent choice – for the 14th time in a row:
LIQUI MOLY is the Best Brand in the lubricants category.

In the classic car segment, we can also once again boast of a series of victories. For the 13th time in a row, we have been voted Best Brand in the Motor Klassik readers’ choice:
LIQUI MOLY is the Best Brand in the lubricants category.

For the 13th time in a row, the trade magazine Auto BILD has awarded us another title:
LIQUI MOLY takes first place in lubricants.

In the annual Auto Zeitung reader survey, we once again achieved top rankings in 2024. For the 14th time in a row, we are the winner in our supreme discipline:
LIQUI MOLY is the top brand in the lubricants category.
We have also proved once again that our brand can shine in another category:
LIQUI MOLY takes second place in care products.

As announced in Motorsport Aktuell, we have also been awarded two further top rankings:
LIQUI MOLY is the Best Brand in the automobile oil/lubricants category.
LIQUI MOLY is the Best Brand in the motorcycle oil/lubricants category.

Once LIQUI MOLY, always LIQUI MOLY? So it would seem! The proof being that for the sixth time in a row we have also been voted a Best Brand in the Motorrad trade magazine’s two-wheeler segment:
LIQUI MOLY is the Best Brand in the oil/lubricants category.

The trade magazine PS has also honored us for the seventh time in a row: