Catalytic-System Cleaner

SKU: P000055

Protects the catalytic converter from clogging with soot. Cleans intake valves and the combustion chamber. Improves the combustion of the fuel. Clean engines reduce fuel consumption and therefore CO2 emissions. Prevents corrosion in the fuel system.

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  • guarantees optimum combustion
  • prevents corrosion in the fuel system
  • protects the catalytic converter from clogging with soot
  • cleans the intake tract, intake valves and combustion chamber
  • guarantees low fuel consumption with long-lasting effect

Protects the catalytic converter from clogging with soot. Cleans intake valves and the combustion chamber. Improves the combustion of the fuel. Clean engines reduce fuel consumption and therefore CO2 emissions. Prevents corrosion in the fuel system.

Suitable for all gasoline engines with a catalytic converter.


Pour additive into the LIQUI MOLY Pump-Spray Bottle (part no. 3316). Pump up the pump-spray bottle. Establish access to the intake tract, ideally behind the turbocharger. Please note that the access must be located immediately behind the air-flow sensor. Start the engine and spray the additive into the intake tract at short intervals while the engine is at moderate speed (2,000-3,000 rpm). If the speed does not begin to fluctuate, the intervals between spraying can be lengthened. If the speed fluctuates sharply (> 700 rpm), shorten the duration of spraying. For fine atomization, check regularly that the pump-spray bottle has sufficient residual pressure. LIQUI MOLY cannot offer any warranty if the product is not used as specified in the product information or if dosing systems other than those indicated here are used. It is the responsibility of the user alone to verify the suitability of alternative dosing systems. To ensure optimum cleaning of the fuel system, we recommend adding Catalytic-System Clean (part no. 7110) to the fuel immediately after applying the additive. This will safeguard the cleanness of the complete engine system including the exhaust gas system.

Other information

Deposits in the catalytic converter based on manganese oxide cannot be removed.

Container type
Container contents
Language line
Pallet unit
Container type: Can sheet metal
Container contents: 300 ml
Language line: GB-GR-I
PU: 20
Pallet unit: 1960

Product Information

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Motor oils made in Germany

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