Trainings and courses
Automotive technology is constantly advancing. Vehicle and powertrain manufacturers outdo each other every day with innovations in the engine and technology sector. These developments in the automotive sector always require new knowledge. As a specialist, your customers expect you to be up to date at all times. In order to be prepared for this and to be able to provide comprehensive and competent advice in your workshop, you need the relevant knowledge from all areas.
For this reason, education and training measures are more than ever a necessity in order to survive the tough competition. For you and your team, this means keeping up with the latest innovations from manufacturers.
Our experts impart the necessary know-how with heart, mind, experience and practical examples as part of practical or theoretical training courses. These are designed according to your wishes or suggested topics and are geared primarily to the needs of the audience. We provide you, your employees and your customers with the latest know-how, important product information and lots of useful tips and refinements at first hand.
On-site training
The training events take place worldwide at our sales partners' premises, at customers' premises or at our training academy in Ulm. In addition to your preferred training dates, you can choose who you want to train, e.g. office staff, field staff or workshop customers. We offer both practical presentations and theoretical training.
Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you and coordinate the scope and duration of the training with you.

Current program of training courses
We have put together the following topics for your training, which we will be happy to tailor to your individual needs if required.
Product training
| Service training