Loss of engine power

Power loss can have various causes:

  • Compression loss via the piston rings
    Deposits on the piston rings severely restrict their mobility. If a piston ring is stuck, there is no one hundred percent seal to the cylinder wall, which results in a loss of power coupled with increased oil consumption.


  • Loss of compression via intake valves
    Due to heavy oil carbon deposits, the intake valve no longer closes properly. This results in a drop in compression pressure, which in turn leads to a drop in engine performance.


  • Formation of deposits
    Over the years or kilometers, deposits form on the injection nozzles or carburetor. The result is significantly poorer atomization of the fuel, which means that less air can accumulate on the fuel. This ultimately leads to a drop in performance combined with increased fuel consumption.

Motorbike Engine Flush, Motorbike 4T Bike-Additive and Motorbike 2T Bike-Additive remove these stubborn deposits and thus ensure clean combustion.

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Quick and easy engine maintenance: Additive guide for motorcyclists

From cylinders to spark plugs – we show you how to extend the service life of your bike quickly, inexpensively and without great effort while optimizing performance. Ready to get the engine up to speed with LIQUI MOLY?

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