- 01/28/2016
- Company
Motor oils, additives and other chemical helpers
The most important product groups on water as well as land are motor oils and additives. In the field of motor oils LIQUI MOLY's line includes four types of oil for four-stroke engines and two types for two-stroke engines. The line covers the following specifications, among others: NMMA FC-W, NMMA TC-W3 and Volvo VDS-3. The researchers at LIQUI MOLY have developed entirely new motor oils for marine applications, because the requirements and application profile for marine engines are different than for automobile engines.
The same applies for additives. These include a gasoline stabilizer, which protects the fuel from aging and oxidizing when not in service, improves the Cetan number and thus the combustion and simultaneously removes deposits in the injection system. Marine Diesel Bacteria Stop protects against a frequent threat: diesel sludge. If water is present in the fuel, whether from water condensate on the inner walls of the tank or poor fuel quality, it deposits at the bottom of the tank. Certain bacteria, molds and yeasts can proliferate at the interface between the water and diesel fuel. They form a viscous sludge, which clogs the fuel filter and lines and corrodes the fuel system. Marine Diesel Bacteria Stop is a highly effective biocide, which kills microbes in an infested tank. In weaker concentrations it can also be used on a preventative bases to keep infestation from getting started. "We supply more than just products; we provide solutions“, continued Jan Volk. Marine Diesel Guard is just such a solution.This is a versatile combination product, which cleans the fuel system, increases the Cetan number and kills microbes in the tank.
In addition to motor oils and additives LIQUI MOLY also supplies transmission fluids, care products and special developments such as wench grease, a synthetic, resin and acid free heavy duty PTFE solid lubricant. "We do not offer 'ready to wear' products, they are all custom tailored solutions", said Jan Volk. In this context LIQUI MOLY places great value on feedback from customers. These ideas not only help to continually improve existing products; they also stimulate development of new products. "We are chemical specialists and as such we do not simply want to sell customers the first product that comes along; they deserve the optimum product to meet their requirements", according to Jan Volk. "And if we don't already have these products, we just have to develop them."
LIQUI MOLY's research and development as well as production are all accomplished exclusively in Germany.
LIQUI MOLY GmbH from Ulm in South Germany offers a wide range of high-quality products such as motor oils, additives, vehicle care products and service products. The range includes some 4000 items. LIQUI MOLY develops and tests their products in their own laboratories, manufactures exclusively in Germany and markets all of their products themselves. LIQUI MOLY was founded some 50 years ago and is now one of the leading companies in the industry. The products are sold in Germany and in 120 other countries.